Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nursing School 2009

I'm somewhere I never thought I would be - in the Associate Degree in Nursing Program at McLennan Community College

I am blessed that the company I work for has allowed me to flex my schedule to attend afternoon and evening classes and clinicals. It's been a long 5 weeks already but I am determined to just take one week, one class at a time. If I worry too much about the next 2 years of classes and clinicals, I'll never finish.

So, in addition to being a single mom of two teenage boys, advancement coordinator for my son's Boy Scout Troop, Volunteer Firefighter/NREMT-I and full time Associate at Mars, Snackfood, US - now, I'm a student Nurse!

I bet my mom and dad are rolling over in their graves! The nature girl that always wanted to be a forest ranger and live in the woods in now becoming a nurse.

Wish me Luck!

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